On Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis

During the last decades hypnosis has become an established method with scientifically proven results.
The goal is to put the client in touch with their inner experiences and their subconscious rather than with their thoughts and ideas about the issue.
While in hypnosis it is easier to connect to the inner strength, or other resources that help accelerate changes.
All the resources needed are already within and just need to be rediscovered and applied to the current situation.
My areas of expertise:
Self worth issues
Anxieties and phobias (fear of flying, of social situations, fear of talking in public, test anxiety, fear of driving etc.- but also a general anxious feeling)
Stress and burn out
Weight loss
Stop smoking
During the first session we talk about the issue in depth, sometimes there is already time for some work in the hypnotic state. Usually, in all other sessions hypnosis is applied. Hypnotherapy is considered a short time therapy,- on the average between 6 – 16 sessions. One or several individual audio recordings are part of the therapy, as well as self hypnosis. Both help to deepen and strengthen the desired changes.
Infos reg. my background and trainings you can find under „About me“
About me
My Diplom in Psychology I received from the University of Heidelberg, Germany. Afterwards, I worked as a therapist in Vancouver, at the University of British Columbia/Canada, as part of my training in Clinical Psychology. Following that I studied – both in the US and in India – Eastern philosophy and psychology. From 1997 to 2005 I had a private practice in Los Angeles, California. I also gave talks and lectures during that time. Since 2005 I am living in Berlin. I have a private practice, participating regularly in National and International Congresses and trainings.
1996 – Training completed in NLP (NeuroLinguistic Programming)
Since 1997: various trainings in hypnosis:
The indirect method as taught by Milton Erickson: This training was in Phoenix/Arizona, with Jeffrey Zeig, Stephen Lankton and others)
1997: both the direct and the indirect method: Holmes Center of Hypnotherapy in Los Angeles
2008: certified by the German Association of Hypnosis as a Clinical hypnotherapist.
- since 2012: trainings in Ego-State-Therapy (W. Hartmann, K. Fritzsche)
60 minutes: 110 Euro
90 minutes: 165 Euro
120 minutes: 220 Euro
Stop smoking:
You have 2 choices:
Program A: this program consists of about 6 hours of hypnotherapy/NLP and other methods, included are 2 a. audio recordings. If challenges should occur, there is phone coaching after the last session at no additional charge.
Program A: 495 Euro
Program B: all of the above,- plus: one additional follow up
Program B: 550 Euro
If you have a health insurance that covers „Heilpraktikerleistungen“, most likely you will be reimbursed by your insurance company. In addition, some private health insurances will cover your costs.